Bill and Bob are going to Utah for Katie's wedding from November 3-5.
Bill would like everyone to know that this April is the 30th anniversary of when he participated in the Section 504 sit-in at the Federal Building in 1977. Section 504 is the legislation that guarantees access to federally-funded programs, spaces, and services to people with disabilities - including schools, buildings, and employment. The sit-in lasted 26 days and was the longest occupation of a government building at that time (and possibly since). It was a peaceful and effective protest for the rights of people with disabilities. Bill was one of about 75 people there for the whole 26 days. (Wow.)
I figured out how to post a comment! My first blog! Anyway, it is good to see your current picture after about 30 years. Blessings, Jo in Santa Cruz
12:29 AM
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